1. To present well-crafted and bold productions of a professional quality to the Pearland community;

  2. To support and enrich students by providing a unique learning experiences in the classroom;

  3. To create diverse, student-driven opportunities that promote maximum growth; and

  4. To promote a life-long love and awareness of the arts in students, parents, and community members.

By dedicating ourselves to these four guiding principles -- quality, education, opportunity, and community -- Ovation Theatre seeks to become the premier cultural organization in the city of Pearland with our students at the helm.

Our mission is to prepare high schools students to successfully pursue higher learning in an ever-changing world.

We will help students discover and develop their unique skills and talents through an intense, integrated arts and academic program that combines critical thinking and a whole-person developmental approach to learning.

We aim to develop students academically, artistically, and socially so that they leave the school as independent, cooperative, responsible, and creative young adults with a lifelong interest in learning and the arts.

We believe that these skills and qualities will prepare our students to pursue further educational goals and allow them to contribute to the life and well-being of society as a whole.